Monday, 28 February 2011

Pakistani stock market value surges by US $4 billion

By Javed Mahmood

Brokers at the Karachi Stock Exchange monitor prices of shares as the KSE-100 index gained 178 points on January 13 and closed at 12,459 points, the highest benchmark since April 2008. [Javed Mahmood]
KARACHI -- The market capitalization of the Pakistani stock market has grown by about $4 billion since November thanks to several positive developments, analysts said.

In less than four months, the market capitalization of the Karachi Stock Exchange (KSE) has surged from US $34 billion in October, to US $38 billion as of January 12, said Ahmed Nabil, chief investment adviser of the Pak-Oman Asset Management Company.

“Foreign investors’ continued interest in making investment in Pakistani stock market, release of $633m worth coalition support fund by the United States, IMF’s decision to extend deadline of levying the Reformed General Sales Tax (RGST) and impressive growth in remittances supported growth (of the) market and encouraged new investment,” Nabil said.

The market has recorded $70m in foreign investment since November that encouraged local investment at the bourse, improved its market capitalization and value of blue chip instruments, he said.

In Pakistan local investors usually follow foreign investment in the stock market, Nabil added.

The government has deferred the enforcement of the RGST after opposition parties came out strongly against it. But the tax will be enforced in July to increase the tax-to-GDP ratio, government revenues and to promote better documentation of sales and purchases, he said.

About 9% of Pakistan's GDP comes from tax revenues, well below the international standard of 15%. The IMF had sought to have Pakistan impose the RGST as of January 1, but has agreed to its postponement to July. Both the tax ratio and RGST are conditions for loans to Pakistan.

Tax changes needed to control budget deficit

Nabil said the government should collect taxes from the country’s rich, otherwise, it would be difficult for the rulers to control the fast-growing budget deficit and to raise the tax-to-GDP ratio to the required level.

“Foreign investors’ continued interest in making investment in Pakistani stock market, release of $633m worth coalition support fund by the United States, IMF’s decision to extend deadline of levying the Reformed General Sales Tax (RGST) and impressive growth in remittances supported growth (of the) market and encouraged new investment,” Nabil said.
A majority of parliament and the country’s rich oppose the government’s plan to increase taxes because they fear it will deteriorate the government’s fiscal discipline as the government has already borrowed some $4.75 billion from the State Bank of Pakistan and the commercial banks to meet its expenditures from July 2010 to January 1, Nabil added.

“The stock market is still attractive for investment as the shares of more than 450 companies are available at very reasonable rates,” Naeem Rafi, CEO of the Rafi Securities told Central Asia Online.

The majority of foreign and local investment has gone to oil and gas companies, while shares of other firms are still available at an attractive price, he said. Presently, some 600 companies trade shares on the KSE.

Rafi said medium- and long-term investment could ensure a good return to investors as the country’s economy seems poised to grow in 2011.

Rafi said the country received $5.3 billion dollars in remittances from Pakistanis working overseas during the second half of 2010, an increase of $761m over the corresponding period for 2009.

All of these positive developments have raised the foreign exchange reserves of the country to a current record high of $17.3 billion, which has improved investor confidence and paved the way for the stock market's steady growth, Rafi said.

He said the government should reduce its budgetary expenditures to control the deficit, impose taxes on the rich, eliminate subsidies and reduce dependency on foreign and domestic loans to strengthen the national economy.

Otherwise, he warned, the current improvement in the capital market, foreign exchange reserves, exports and remittances could prove momentary and once again key segments of the economy could end up in reverse gear.

Growth in value was year-long effort

The growth in valuation has been going on throughout the past year, points out Lahore Stock Exchange managing director Aftab Ahmed Chaudhry. He said the KSE-100 index of leading companies showed impressive growth in 2010.
“In January 2010 the benchmark index took off from 9,387 points … and it amounted to 12,020 points by gaining 1,633 points amid gradual improvement in trading and investment,” Chaudhry said.

The KSE hit a record 16,000 points in April 2008, but later dropped after the imposition of emergency rule by then President Pervez Musharraf, as well as the Lal Mosque operation that triggered a series of suicide blasts, followed by global and domestic economic downturns, he said.

From January 2009 the market gradually moved towards growth and this pattern continued in 2010, Chaudhry said. He predicts the index could reach 15,000 in 2011.

To sustain the momentum of market growth, the government should introduce new investment products, a margin trading system and provide incentives to investors and other stakeholders, he said.

Economy of Pakistan

Jehangir's Tomb, Lahore, Pakistan Photo

The economy of Pakistan is the third fastest growing economy after the People's Republic of China and India. It is the 70th biggest economy in the world. With the world's sixth-largest population, Pakistan is developing a highly-skilled labor force with business friendly policies. Economic growth (6-7%) and foreign investment is strong. At purchasing power parity, Pakistan's GDP is $475.5 billion. The World Bank classifies Pakistan as a low-income economy.

Economic & Social Indicators of Pakistan Economy

Pakistan Economy registers a six to seven percent economic growth with its foreign direct investment escalating day by day. Pakistan, from the time of its independence started with a purely agricultural economy. But soon its industrial wing gathered momentum and soon Pakistan became the role model world over.

It is one among the growing economies of the World. The economic potentiality of the country is better judged only when we mark the positive growth rate of the economy since 1951.

The country has a total surface area of 796.1 thousand sq mi.

Demography and Social Indicators of Pakistan Economy

In mid Year 2005, the population of the country was 155.8 millions in comparison to the 152.1 millions in the previous year. The average annual growth rate of the population (%) in the country (1999-05) was 2.4. 

The following table represents the annual growth rate of population in the country. 
  • The life Expectancy rate of the country in the year 2003 was 64.1 Years.
  • The Infant Mortality rate (per 1,000 life births) in the country was 74.3 in the year 2003.
  • Under 5 mortality rate (per 1,000 children) was 98 in the year 2003.
  • The adult male literacy rate (% of males ages 15 and above) was 61.7 in the year 2004.
  • The adult female literacy rate (% of females ages 15 and above) was 35.2 in the year 2004.

Pakistan Economy and Key Economic Indicators

The Gross National Income, Atlas method of the country (Current US $) has reached 90.7 billions in the year 2004. The GNI percapita Atlas method (Current US $) in the country was 600.0 in 2004. 

The Gross Domestic Product (Current $) in the country was 96.1 billions in the year 2004 with an annual growth rate of 6.4 percent in the same year.
The average annual growth rate of GDP for the country is estimated at 6.5 percent for the period of 2005-09.

Structure of the Pakistan Economy

Among the various sectors of the economy the manufacturing sector has grown very fast and has reached a double-digit number i.e. 18% in the year 2003.

The major agricultural products of the country are cotton, wheat, rice, sugarcane, fruits, vegetables, milk, beef, mutton, eggs, poultry and tea.

The main industries of the country are textiles, chemicals, food processing, steel, transport equipment, machinery, beverages, constructions, materials, clothing and paper products.

Exports & Imports of Pakistan

Major Exports of Pakistan

The main export items of Pakistan are rice, furniture, cotton fiber, textiles, leather etc.

Major Imports of Pakistan

The main import items of Pakistan are petroleum, industrial machinery, automobiles, computer, computer parts etc. 

BOP Situation of the Pakistan Economy

The BOP of Pakistan registered a trade deficit worth $5.405 billion. This was due to the high import bill and the rise in the prices of imports. This rise in the trade deficit is the main reason, according to many economists, behind the depreciation in the Pakistani rupee against dollar and other currencies. 

International Relations of the Pakistan Economy

The relations of Pakistan with some countries like India is very bitter. Otherwise it has good trade relations with US, UK Japan, China etc. 

According to the 2005 estimated data, the exports earnings of the state are $ 17 billion.

International Views on Pakistan Economy

Views on Pakistan's economy from some of the reputable international institutions:


  • Pakistan 's economic performance in the past five years has been commendable. GDP growth is higher, poverty rates are down, inflation is lower, FDI is up, and fiscal deficits are down. Driving all of these improvements has been an environment of relative political stability under the pro-reform administration of President Musharraf and Prime Minister Shaukat Aziz. Its run of success brought Pakistan 's stock onto the radar screen of foreign fund managers. Added to this, investibility improved due to the increase in market capitalization, aided by higher free float through new stock market offerings. These favorable dynamics in the size and efficiency of both the physical and human capital stock make a 6-7% target range for medium-term growth seem very reasonable, in our view. The IMF, in its recently completed Article IV consultation, uses a baseline assumption for real GDP growth of 7%.


  • Pakistan 's GDP growth in 2007 will range between 7-7.5%, based on recovery in agriculture sector and capacity expansions in the manufacturing sector. Merrill Lynch expects Pakistan to issue a Eurobond this year which it expects to be over-subscribed. Market capitalization surged 5.5 times from US$7 billion to US$46 billion over a period of four years, taking stock market capitalization to GDP from 9% at end-FY02 to around 36% at end-FY06.


  • The economy has grown strongly over the past years, at an average pace of 7.5%. In recent years, the Government's strong macroeconomic policies, high growth rates, increases in pro-poor spending, and burgeoning workers' remittances have all contributed to a steep decline in the incidence of poverty and the unemployment rate.


  • Pakistan 's GDP is expected to pick up to 7 percent in 2007 bolstered by an expansion in agriculture production and increased capacity following government infrastructure investments and private sector investments in the textile sector.


  • The 2007 Index of Economic Freedom jointly conducted by the Heritage Foundation and the Wall Street Journal, has put Pakistan at the 89 th place, ahead of India (104) and China (119) out of 161 countries.

S&P ratings:

Standard and Poor's in December 2006 announced upgrades for credit ratings to:
  • B+ for foreign currency,
            -> BB for local currency long-term ratings, and 
            -> B for short-term sovereign ratings. 


  • The country's rating for foreign currency bonds and the government's rupee dominated debt reflect the significant improvement in Pakistan 's external liquidity and the government's more efficient macro-economic management in the recent years. As a result of privatization, consolidation and restructuring. Moody's investor service upgraded Pakistan 's foreign and local currency government ratings from B-1 to B-2.


  • Pakistan was top reformer in 2006 and the runner up reformer in 2007. Recent reforms have resulted in a drop in the number of days required to import in Pakistan : from 39 to 19 days. Pakistan also reformed positively in the area of taxation by steadily reducing its corporate tax rate, from 39% in 2004 to 35% in 2006. Pakistan scores well on the indicators related to starting a business (54th out of 175) and protecting investors (19th out of 175).


  • Pakistan had a relatively good showing on the BCI, developed by Harvard Business School competitiveness expert, In the new BCI, Pakistan ranks 67th among 121 countries. On the GCI, Pakistan improved from last year's 94th place to 91st place out of 125 countries that participated in this year's survey. Pakistan 's gains take on added significance when compared to the drop in rankings experienced by many noteworthy emerging markets.

New Orleans Mardi Gras

Enjoy the exuberance of New Orleans Mardi Gras culminating on 8 March with one of the world’s best street parties.
Why go to New Orleans Mardi Gras?
Mardi Gras in New Orleans is an unstoppable wave of celebration, the low rumblings of which begin as early as Twelfth Night (6 January), the official start of the Carnival season.
The exuberance builds in momentum until exploding on Lundi Gras and then Mardi Gras – or Fat Tuesday – on 8 March,  the day before Ash Wednesday. New Orleans is a city that needs little excuse to throw a party, so you can expect great things when it’s officially Carnival season.
There are thousands of Mardi Gras-related activities throughout New Orleans, but the main events are the costumed parades, with intricately decorated floats. In the main, these run over the two weeks leading up to Mardi Gras, sometimes with two or three a day.
Krewe members, New OrleansiStockphoto / Thinkstock
They are organised by ‘krewes’, a collection of around 50 semi-mysterious societies with names such as Rex and Zulu, each with a different character and traditions. In short, the scene is annually set for two of the most joyous, music-filled, decadent weeks of the year, anywhere in the world.
Where to go
The cliché of college girls taking off their tops to get people to throw them beads from Bourbon Street balconies does happen. If you want to see that, go there. If you don’t, it’s incredibly easy to avoid.
The French Quarter is much more than Bourbon Street, so find your pace on Royal or Decatur Streets, where there’s as much frivolity without so much in the way of nudity.
Next, you’ll want to see some parades. Check local listings paper The Gambit or go online at to get a comprehensive list – there’s upwards of 50 parades during Carnival.
Many of the main ones sashay down St Charles Avenue into the Central Business District, with some skirting parts of Canal Street, so be prepared to leave the bubble of the French Quarter.
Mardi Gras crowds, New OrleansPaul Oswell
On Lundi Gras, put on your finest fancy dress (the fancier, the better), grab a frozen daiquiri and simply walk around New Orleans’s French Quarter. You’ll be sharing the streets with thousands of people in attire of every imaginable variety, everyone walking around with permanent grins on their faces. At any time, wander up Frenchman Street on the border of the French Quarter, where you can sample the best of the local music scene in just about any bar you stumble across.
Where to stay
It depends on what kind of a party you’d like. If you’re not planning to sleep and intend to have cocktails for breakfast before a full day of bar hopping and shouting at balconies for beads, then the French Quarter is where the action is.
On Lundi Gras, you can barely move for costumed festivities, and it’s a wonderfully surreal place to be. Given the bars are 24 hours, though, you may want to have a haven to recuperate, in which case, hotels around the Mid City or Central Business District would work out well. If you’re planning to catch most of the big Uptown parades, then a nearby hotel would work out well for comfort stops between the float-watching marathons.
What to do?
Essentially, your job for two weeks is to clamour for ‘throws’. The parades are staffed by the members of the various krewes that organise them. They ride the floats in costume, many with their faces covered, distributing throws to the baying crowds. Throws are usually the gaudily-coloured plastic Mardi Gras beads that cover New Orleans over the two weeks.
Floats Mardi Gras New OrleansJupiterimages / / Thinkstock
However, krewes also throw out more worthwhile knick knacks, including decorated plastic cups, doubloons and also very rare throws particular to their krewe. Muses, for example, have decorated shoes; Zulu have coconuts, and they are considered somewhat prestigious.
These are only usually given out to the crowd members with the best costumes or to those that shout out most enthusiastically. So go as crazy as you can – you will be rewarded with temporarily valuable baubles.
Where to avoid
Unless you really want to throw yourself into the eye of the storm, and stagger between lurid strip bars and daiquiri shops – and many people do, evidently – then skip Bourbon Street.
If you really want to see the city’s most infamous thoroughfare, then try before lunch, where you can get a hurricane at Pat O’Brien’s or a fried breakfast at Clover Grill in relative civility. Other than that, try to stay to the main tourist areas as some of the outlying residential areas in New Orleans can get somewhat sketchy after dark.
What to wear and how to prepare
Lundi Gras and Mardi Gras are the biggest displays of costumery, so if you’re going to be a good Carnival participant, you should have at least two costumes for these days. That said, dressing up is also starting to sneak in the weekend before, so if you really want to show off, you should bring something fabulous for those nights, too.
In short, pack as much fancy dress as your suitcase can strain to – you never know when you might need it and repetition is so frowned upon. The best thing is, everyone will love you no matter what you’re wearing, as long as it looks like you’ve made an effort. So go Star Wars, fairy tale, ironic political statement or all-over body paint – you can’t go wrong, really.
Aside from this, make sure you have money for drinks and food stalls and water, your camera, a map and as few inhibitions as you can manage.
Paul Oswell

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Saturday, 26 February 2011

Google Adsense

By Lee Sykes
August 2006
In this article we are going to give you an introduction to Google Adsense and provide some tips for getting the most from Adsense on your websites. Following this we have also created a video tutorial which walks you through how to incorporate Adsense with DotNetNuke.

Google Adsense Introduction

Google Adsense Introduction

Google Adsense is a quick and easy way to monetize your website. With Adsense you can display text and image ads that are targeted to match the subject matter of a website page.

This means that if you create an article covering ‘DotNetNuke Skins’ the ads from Google Adsense will display DotNetNuke related advertisements.

You earn money from the advertisements on a cost-per-click basis. The amount that you earn per click varies dependant on the keyword and the number of advertisers bidding for that keyword.

The Advertisements

The adverts displayed by Google come from the Google Adwords service:

This is where advertisers can bid to display their advert whenever a user searches on Google for a certain keyword. An advertiser also has the option to display their advertisements on the publishing network (websites that display Google Adsense).

Displaying Google Adsense

You can choose from a variety of advertisement banner sizes to display on your website along with options for customizing the colour of the text adverts. This allows you to easily format the advertisements to match the design style of your website.

Once you sign up for a Google Adsense account you can configure the banner style and colours that you wish to use. Google will supply you with the JavaScript code that you need, all you have to do is paste the JavaScript into the source code of your website.

How Much Can You Earn?

How Much Can You Earn?

There are several factors that affect how much you can earn from Google Adsense. Some Adsense publishers earn a five figure income each month whereas others earn a few dollars per month. Your income from Adsense depends on:
  • The cost per click for each advertisement
  • The number of visitors / page views your site receives
  • CTR - Click Through Rate for the ads
You have to earn $100 or more before Google will issue a payment to you. The total is rolled over each month until you exceed $100.

Adsense Tips

If you view the resources at the end of this article there are several links to articles already created that outline tips for increasing Adsense revenue. Here I will outline the main tips:
Ad Placement
The position of the Adsense advertisements is very important for increasing click through rates. Google have created a heatmap to help you decide the best placement for your ads.
Number of Ads
You are allowed to display up to 3 ad units on a page and a single link unit. If you can, make the most of this and display all of these ads using different combinations of banner sizes and locations across your page.
Colour of Ads and Blending
Research has found that the best CTRs are achieved by blending the advertisements to match the style of your website design. For instance, remove all of the borders from the ads and change the colour of the text links to match the colour of the links within your own website. This helps to create the perception that the links are part of the page and not advertisements.

Other techniques are to place images alongside the advertisements in order to grab the attention of the visitors’ eye. Be careful with these techniques though as Google is known for banning publishers who try to trick visitors to click on the adverts.