Tuesday, 8 March 2011

Forests, Grasslands and Drylands COUNTRY PROFILE - Bangladesh

Forest Area and ChangeBangladeshAsia (excl. Middle East)World
Total forest area, 2000 (000 ha)13345041803869455
Natural forest area, 2000 (000 ha)7093758243682722
Plantations area, 2000 (000 ha)625110953186733
Total dryland area, 1950-1981 (000 ha) {a}010781215059984
Change in forest area:
 Total, 1990-200014 %-1 %-2 %
 Natural, 1990-2000-7 %-1 %-4 %
 Plantations, 1990-20004 %5 %3 %
Original forest {b} as a percent of
 total land area {c}100 %X48 %
Forest area in 2000 as a percent of
 total land area {c}9 %20 %29 %
Forest Area by Crown Cover (000 ha), 2000
Note: Crown cover data are gathered using different methodologies than the forest
area calculated above. The two estimates may differ substantially.
Area of forest with crown cover:
 Greater than 10%45479201646537209
 Greater than 25%25816990584842071
 Greater than 50%14715092473143720
 Greater than 75%6863362661945916
Ecosystem Areas by Type
Total land area14400249447513328979
Percent of total land area covered by:
 Forests12 %17 %24 %
 Shrublands, savanna, and grasslands3 %37 %37 %
 mosaic73 %34 %20 %
 Urban and built-up areas0.2 %0.2 %0.2 %
 Sparse or barren vegetation; snow and ice0 %10 %16 %
 Wetlands and water bodies11 %2 %3 %
Forests certified through the Forest Stewardship Council
Natural forests, 2002 (hectares)014532311457393
Plantations, 2002 (hectares)0619363324996
Mixed forests, 2002 (hectares)02570211461154
Forest Protection
Percent of forests protected:
 Tropical forest, 1990s3.7 %16.4 %9 %
 Nontropical forest, 1990sX5.3 %6 %
 Sparse trees and parkland, 1990sX7 %5.5 %
Number of tree species threatened, 1990s12X5904
Wood Production and Trade
Annual roundwood production:
 Total, 1996-1998 (000 meters3)3250511119583261621
 Fuel, 1996-1998 (000 meters3)318948633161739504
 Industrial, 1996-1998 (000 meters3)6102684701522116
 (000 meters3)939057151390
 (thousand metric tons)4688859313206
 (thousand metric tons)X36539126404
Average value of trade in forest products {d}:
 Imports, 1996-1998 (thousand US$)9333537114499142932629
 Exports, 1996-1998 (thousand US$)500316434017135313009
Forest product exports as a percent of the
 total value of all exports, 1997X2.1 %2 %
Other Resources:
Country Profiles of the Food and Agriculture Organization
a.Areas are presented as long-term average covering the years from 1950 to 1981.
b.Original forest refers to estimated forest cover about 8,000 years ago assuming current climatic conditions.
c."Forest area in 2000 as a percent of total land area" and "Original forest as a percent of total land area" are not directly comparable; data are from two different sources.
d.Includes trade in industrial roundwood, wood fuel, sawnwood, wood-based panels, pulp, paper and paperboard, recovered paper, chips, particles, & wood residues.
View more Country Profiles on-line at http://earthtrends.wri.org

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