WRI/GFW's goal in Indonesia is to support legal and sustainable forest use through multi-stakeholder processes involving government, timber producers, timber exporters, national and international NGOs and the research community. Our databases and monitoring projects support forest policies in the following areas:
Forestry Sector DatabaseSince 2002, GFW is partnering with Forest Watch Indonesia (FWI) to compile data on forest industries. We have collected ownership and location data for all of Indonesia's concessions, and have made it available in Bahasa Indonesia (English version to come) in a web-based, interactive database on the FWI website, www.fwi.or.id. The database covers the entire archipelago and includes interactive maps, and allows users to view lists all logging companies, plantation companies and mills with their investors, owners, output volume, annual management plans, allowable cut and other characteristics. This project is supported by the U.S. Agency for International Development.
Monitoring Compliance in the forestry sectorUsing satellite images, we are detecting illegal activities carried out by legal concessions. In a pilot area in the province of Central-Kalimantan, we (in collaboration with FWI) are monitoring concessionaire compliance with their annual management plans. This type of work has been used successfully by GFW in Central Africa. Funding has been provided by the U.S. Agency for International Development. Funding permitting, this work will be extended to other provinces in Indonesia and other countries in Southeast Asia.
Monitoring Forest-cover Change in IndonesiaFigures on forest extent and deforestation in Indonesia vary widely depending on the year reported and the group reporting, and accurate information that quantifies and locates deforestation is not available. Several large scale mapping projects on forests have been carried out in the last decade to fill this information gap. Unfortunately, these were one time projects so results from different projects and time periods, cannot be compared to develop accurate analyses of actual forest change. Some small scale deforestation figures (e.g. national parks) have been well documented, but cannot be applied to the entire archipelago. GFW, with World Bank support and in partnership with the Centre for International Forestry Research (CIFOR), is setting up a system that can detect forest-cover change over the entire archipelago of Indonesia. GFW is partnering with several universities to compare and work with different methods and satellite systems. We expect to make a decision on appropriate methodologies by the end of 2004. We envision updates in specific regions every six months to one year, with results published in data briefs available in a variety of hard copy and web-based formats.
Developing a Forest Information System for the Indonesian forest sectorGFW will combine the forestry sector data, compliance monitoring data, forest cover change data produced by the three initiatives described above with additional environmental and socio-economic data into a Forest Information System. The system will be useful for guiding forest development and investment and forest law enforcement and forest policy making. The World Bank will use the system to inform the implementation of their strategy for Indonesia, and has invited us to present it at their strategy rollout meeting in the Fall of 2004, that will be attended by the Ministry of Forestry and other important stakeholders. We hope to build support for a multi-stakeholder process that will collaborate to sustain the system and produce: 1) a yearly update of reliable and spatially explicit de- and reforestation statistics with maps of forest cover and forest cover change; 2) a yearly update of actual forest land allocation with maps of logging concessions, mining concessions and protected areas and maps of probable areas of illegal logging; 3) analyses that identify good management practices by verifying voluntarily provided information on forest operations.
Initiatives in Development
Oil palmGFW, in collaboration with Conservation International, would like to increase the ability of the oil palm sector to contribute positively to regional development plans that balance needs of the private sector, government, local communities, and environmental interests. Land use decisions could be guided by social, environmental and economic data that will help industry members identify the true costs and benefits of plantation development and facilitate participation in integrated regional development plans led by government and non-governmental organizations. GFW proposes to create an interactive online tool that will enable users to access existing environmental, economic, and social data for specific geographic areas, analyze the risks of developing in these areas, and identify actions that should be considered to generate the greatest environmental, economic and social benefits. This project is not intended to be a substitute for environmental or social impact assessments already in use, but will provide maps and data that facilitate improved resource-use and land-management decision making. GFW is exploring partnership and funding opportunities to implement this work.
For more information on these projects, please contact:
Dr. Fred Stolle
Global Forest Watch
10 G Street NE, Suite 800
Washington, DC 20002
Dr. Fred Stolle
Global Forest Watch
10 G Street NE, Suite 800
Washington, DC 20002
Chile: Overview
Total Area (2000): 756,630 km²
Neighboring countries: Argentina, Bolivia, Peru
Capital: Santiago
Official language: Spanish
Number of regions: 12
Total population (2000): 15.2 million
Average Annual Population Growth (2000): 1.3%
Urban population (% of total):85.7%
Annual GDP growth: 5.38%
GDP per capita (1997, in US dollars): 5,271
Forest Facts
Percent of Land Area Forested
South America: 50.5%
Chile: 20.7%
Average Annual Percent Change in Forest Area (1990 - 2000)
South America: -0.4%
Chile: -0.1%
Mammals: 91 species
Number of endemic species: 16
Estimated number of species per 10,000 km²: 22
Plants: 5,292 species
Number of Endemic species: 5,125
Estimated number of species per 10,000 km²: 2,698
Birds: 296 species
Number of Endemic species: 16
Estimated number of species per 10,000 km²: 71
Reptiles: 82 species
Number of Endemic species: 43
Estimated number of species per 10,000 km²: 20
Amphibians: 49 species
Number of Endemic species: 34
Estimated number of species per 10,000 km²: 12
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